Sunday , July 21 2024

Minecraft 1.15: Pre-release 6 available!

Minecraft 1.15: Pre-release # 6 available!

After 3 months of snapshots for version 1.15 , the sixth pre-release is now available in your launchers! The name of version 1.15 will be ” Buzzy Bees “. minecraft

Update 1.15 will be released on Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Additions and modifications

Pre-release 6

  • Bug fixes
  • Crash fixes

Pre-release 5

  • Increase the size limit for downloading resource packs on the client from 50MB to 100MB
  • Crash fixes
  • Bug fixes

Pre-release 4

  • Performance improvements
  • Bug fixes

Pre-release 3

  • Additional improvements in chunks loading and rendering performance.
  • The text colors on the signs correspond to what they looked like in previous versions.
  • Foxes are no longer players.
  • Fixed many bugs, including bad lighting blocks in the inventory!

Pre-release 2

  • Slight changes in chunks load performance calculations.
  • Setting the respawn point using a bed now displays a message.
  • Added statistics for the number of interactions with an anvil and a grindstone.

Pre-release 1

  • Optimizing the rendering of chunks
  • Explosions optimization
  • It is now easier to tell which button is selected when it is flown over.
  • Updated the format of the resource packs, the format is now the number “5”.
    • The game will always make the game work the best possible even with a resource pack in a previous format.
  • The recipe for dark prismarin now requires black dye instead of ink bag.
  • Increased burning time of scaffolds when used in a furnace.

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About John Bay

Hi I am john 23 years old I enjoy sharing modes, news, packages, versions, related to minecraft. Visit our site for more current topics.

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