Thursday , July 25 2024

Version: Minecraft 1.14.4 Mods

Underwater Enchanting (Forge) Mods

This mod was created for Vanilla style enchantment tables to detect underwater libraries. The mod will detect the surrounding bookshelves and adjust the levels based on vanilla game mechanics. This mod is actually part of The Vanilla Experience. It is therefore a minimalist mod in a new world. Underwater Enchanting …

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Toast Control Mods

Now you decide which toasts will appear in Minecraft! This mod allows you to control which toasts appear in Minecraft. Minecraft shows all toasts by Default, including toasts for Progress, Narrator and Tutorials, Recipes. For Recipes and Tutorials, this mod disables toasts by default. You can disable any other toast …

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Mo’ Shiz Mods

Celebrating its 8th anniversary, the Mo’ Shiz mod is a mod that adds tons of new ores, blocks, gadgets, armor, crops, food and much more. Basically the purpose of the mod is to make all the added features a mod together. What is the purpose of this mod? It basically …

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Clear Water Mods

Great news for those who like to swim in the world of Minecraft! With this mode, you can now see underwater much more clearly. The Clear Water mod, which is an extremely simple mod, does not need any mods. For this reason, it can be loaded alone easily. This mode, …

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LagMeter Mods

Screen lags, connection problem in Minecraft world is extremely boring. This mode guides users by giving information about these problems. Thanks to this mode, you can see the latency on the screen, see the connection quality and access the TPS information. Installing the mod is very simple. How to install? …

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Carpet TIS Addition Mods

Carpet TIS Addition mod is a collection of useful tools and interesting features in the style of carpet mod. Under the default configuration conditions, this mod does not need any mods. It will also not change any behavior in the Vanilla world of Minecraft. Use newer Carpet TIS Addition versions …

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Essentials Mods

Essentials mode; extends automation and redstone in a balanced vanilla style!Here are a few key points about this mode! • For each slot there is a single block chest that remembers the item types. • There are self-cultivated agricultural lands. • Provides simple and inexpensive product transportation and sorting. • …

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More Charcoal Mods

The More Charcoal mod is a mod based on vanilla elements that can be used as furnace fuel. This mod adds several new types of chorcoal to your Mineraft. What items the More Charcoal mod adds: Charcoal Chunks Coal Chunks Apple Charcoal Beet Charcoal Carrot Charcoal Chorus Charcoal Potato Charcoal …

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Gems and Crystals Mods

Are you ready for a brand new Gems and Crystals Mods? This mod adds different types of gems, crystals, tools and armors to Minecraft. What are the crystals added with the mod? Rubies Sapphires Topaz Amethyst What are the armor contents added to the game? Ruby Tools and Armor Sapphire Tools …

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MCDoom Mods

Would you like to see various weapons and demons in the world of Minecraft? Then this mod is for you. MCDoom mod adds different demons from the Doom series to your Minecraft world!On the other hand, it is a mod that allows the addition of not only demons, but also …

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