Sunday , July 21 2024

One Block Plus Mods

Single block mod is a mod based on ijaminecraft’s single block map. Therefore, this mode can be played in multiplayer. Because each player can own and build their own blog. Those who want to play this mod with a pre-made configuration should use modpack.

Change Log 1.2.4

  • No longer will you drop or have to start over and over while digging a block.
  • When a single block is broken, it can produce more than one of some particles.
  • When you dig a block, the item will now remain in one block.
  • OneblockDataItem can now store the asset by left clicking on it. (You must hide your identity when sneaking in)


Change Log 1.3.0

  • Environment can now be disabled in configurations.
  • Assets can be prevented from falling to the ground again and again.

What are the Newly Added Features?

  • Ex Nihilo Generator + Block Catalyst has been added.
  • These items are made for package builders. There is no default recipe to apply.
  • The Ex Nihilo Generator generates from single block stage items specified by the Block Catalyst item
  • A block stage is given in the Block Catalyst with the nbt label “oblevel”. For example {oblevel: 0}
  • Generation cooling time can be configured. The default time is 1 second.
  • Mob death sounds are in its default setting. So it is disabled.
  • The experience can be obtained stealthily with + right click.



How to Install  One Block Plus Mods

  1. Download and Install Minecraft Forge
  2. Download Minecraft  One Block Plus Mods
  3. Double-click on the file downloaded from Forge to run the installer.
  4. Unzip the downloaded file from the mod.
  5. Paste the downloaded file the folder .minecraft/mods
  6. Run Minecraft. Enjoy.


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About nisa nisa

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