Saturday , September 7 2024

Mining Gadgets Mod 1.15.2 (1.14.4)

Mining Gadgets Mod 1.15.2/1.14.4 that offers us the possibility of abandoning the peaks to perform mining tasks. With this mod installed, we can manufacture a kind of laser gun, called «Mining Gadget», which will allow us to undermine any type of block of the game, faster, more comfortably and from a greater distance than with a normal peak.


The performance of the “Mining Gadget” can be improved from the installation of modules that provide various improvements. To install modules and improvements in the Mining Gadget, we will have to manufacture the “Modification Table”. This worktable will allow us to install distance modules, which will allow us to increase the range of action. Battery modules, which will give you greater autonomy. Modules to automatically illuminate as we are mining. And much more.

This laser beam can be configured, in terms of operation. To do this, with the laser in hand, we will press «Shift + right mouse click». In this configuration interface we can define whether we want to undermine areas of 1 × 1, 3 × 3, etc.

How to Install Minecraft Mining Gadgets Mod ?

  1. Download and Install Minecraft Forge
  2. Download Minecraft Mining Gadgets Mod
  3. Double-click on the file downloaded from Forge to run the installer.
  4. Unzip the downloaded file from the mod.
  5. Paste the downloaded file the folder .minecraft/mods
  6. Run Minecraft. Enjoy.


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About John Bay

Hi I am john 23 years old I enjoy sharing modes, news, packages, versions, related to minecraft. Visit our site for more current topics.

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