Friday , July 26 2024

Fractal Industry Mods

It adds many of the machines and tools you need in Minecraft with the Fractal Industry mod. Contributes to the production of valuable items such as ore, as well as added tools.

What are the features of this mod?

  • Provides ore production. There are deep slate varieties with bauxite, cassiterite, ilmenite, spodumene ores.
  • Provides power generator. Thermal Generator and Microwave Generator are in two different titles.
  • There are machines such as ore processor and electric furnace.
  • Ingots add related armor and tools.

It is a newly made tech mod in Fractal Industry Forge. Before applying this mod, you need to backup your world.

How to Install Fractal Industry Mods

  1. Download and Install Minecraft Forge
  2. Download Minecraft Fractal Industry Mods
  3. Double-click on the file downloaded from Forge to run the installer.
  4. Unzip the downloaded file from the mod.
  5. Paste the downloaded file the folder .minecraft/mods
  6. Run Minecraft. Enjoy.



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About nisa nisa

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