Farming for Blockheads Mod 1.15.2/1.14.4/1.12.2 that will offer us the possibility of having new exchange options in Minecraft, since it is responsible for adding a seed market, where we can get any seed or bush from the game, as well as bone dust, flowers, mushrooms, animal eggs and elements related to agriculture and livestock.
This stop, or market stall, will be run by a villager who will be the one who will allow us to exchange those objects that we do not want, for objects that we need during the day to day. In addition, this mod adds support for the Biomes O ‘Plenty mod , so we can also get elements of this mod in this market, store or stop.
Other interesting objects that we can manufacture with this installed mod are the “Chicken Nest” and the feeders. The Chicken Nest will be in charge of collecting all the eggs from the chickens in a pen. While the feeders will serve to feed, in an automated way, the animals of our farms.
How to Install Minecraft Farming for Blockheads Mod ?
- Download and Install Minecraft Forge
- Download Minecraft Farming for Blockheads Mod
- Double-click on the file downloaded from Forge to run the installer.
- Unzip the downloaded file from the mod.
- Paste the downloaded file the folder .minecraft/mods
- Run Minecraft. Enjoy.