Thursday , July 25 2024

Explosion’t Mods

This mod requires fire support. This mod does not allow blocks to drop anything when any blocks are removed due to fire or explosion. It is quickly rebuilt by working with selected inventories. Thus, block losses are prevented. This gives you the challenge of explosions and land destruction. It also doesn’t leave you with a terrain after fighting other gangs. The speed set in the configuration will automatically increase every 1000 blocks to prevent explosions that will take too long to heal. Thus, the speed is increased. Scaling can be configured and turned off in this mode.

The /forceAllHeal command heals all loaded blocks. Full configuration support is provided, including the option to only improve mornings instead of delays.

How to Install Explosion’t Mods

  1. Download and Install Minecraft Forge
  2. Download Minecraft Explosion’t Mods
  3. Double-click on the file downloaded from Forge to run the installer.
  4. Unzip the downloaded file from the mod.
  5. Paste the downloaded file the folder .minecraft/mods
  6. Run Minecraft. Enjoy.



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About nisa nisa

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