Thursday , July 25 2024

Ensorcellation Mod 1.15.2 (1.14.4)

Ensorcellation Mod 1.15.2/1.14.4 that will allow us to enjoy a good amount of new enchantments, both to make use of them in an unmodified version of the game, Vanilla, and for games where many other mods are installed. In addition to new enchantments, this mod will also allow us to enjoy modified versions of Minecraft’s default enchantments.


The new enchantments offered by this mod are varied and focus on the following objects in the game. Bib and helmet armor, melee weapons, bows, tools, fishing rods and shields. In addition, as we can see in the image below, protective enchantments can also be applied to the armor of our horses.

This mod is in the Beta development phase, so it may still contain errors or bugs. We will be publishing their respective updates in this article.

How to Install Minecraft Ensorcellation Mod ?

  1. Download and Install Minecraft Forge
  2. Download Minecraft Ensorcellation Mod
  3. Double-click on the file downloaded from Forge to run the installer.
  4. Unzip the downloaded file from the mod.
  5. Paste the downloaded file the folder .minecraft/mods
  6. Run Minecraft. Enjoy.


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About John Bay

Hi I am john 23 years old I enjoy sharing modes, news, packages, versions, related to minecraft. Visit our site for more current topics.

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