Wednesday , September 11 2024

Corail Woodcutter Mod 1.15.2 (1.14.4)

Corail Woodcutter Mod 1.15.2/1.14.4 that will allow us to manufacture a new functional block, called Woodcutter, which is similar to that of the stone cutter block, which allows several blocks and elements derived from the stone to be made. In this case, the Woodcutter focuses on the development of blocks and wooden objects, so it will allow us to do the same as the stone cutter but with wood.

The operation is simple, in fact it is the same as that of the stone trimmer. The process consists of opening the Woodcutter interface and placing wooden blocks in the left box, while on the right will appear everything we can get from that material. This will allow us to manufacture objects without having to memorize recipes, or without having to prepare several recipes to get an object that is manufactured in several parts.

In total we can manufacture six variants of Woodcutter, one for each shade or type of wood existing in the game. This is just an aesthetic change in the color of the block, as the operation is the same in all cases. In addition, this mod adds support for the different types of wood that can be found in the Biomes O ‘Plenty Mod

How to Install Minecraft Corail Woodcutter Mod ?

  1. Download and Install Minecraft Forge
  2. Download Minecraft Corail Woodcutter Mod
  3. Double-click on the file downloaded from Forge to run the installer.
  4. Unzip the downloaded file from the mod.
  5. Paste the downloaded file the folder .minecraft/mods
  6. Run Minecraft. Enjoy.


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About John Bay

Hi I am john 23 years old I enjoy sharing modes, news, packages, versions, related to minecraft. Visit our site for more current topics.

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