Batty’s Coordinates Plus Mod 1.15.2/1.14.4/1.13.2 that will save us having to consult certain information on the «F3» key, since we will be able to put that information on our game screen. We can select what information we want to be shown on our game screen, as well as where we want this information to appear
The informative modules that we can place on the game screen are various. For example, we can see the coordinates we are in at all times. The cardinal point towards which our character is looking. The name of the biome in which our character is located and a stopwatch to count the time of our departure, among other informative modules.
How to Install Minecraft Batty’s Coordinates Plus Mod ?
- Download and Install Minecraft Forge
- Download Minecraft Batty’s Coordinates Plus Mod
- Double-click on the file downloaded from Forge to run the installer.
- Unzip the downloaded file from the mod.
- Paste the downloaded file the folder .minecraft/mods
- Run Minecraft. Enjoy.